July Issue
A startling Mayo Clinic analysis confirms that millions of normal-weight people are ingesting more calories than their bodies can utilize, significantly jeopardizing their health and longevity. The good news is a unique class of plant extracts simulates some of the effects of reduced caloric intake at the genetic level. Find out how the latest of these advanced calorie restriction mimetics enhances the benefits of resveratrol.

Unleash Your Skin’s Internal Defenses
Despite the rapid rise in sunscreen use, rates of melanoma—the most lethal form of skin cancer—have more than doubled over the past two decades. New research substantiates the ability of natural dietary interventions to trigger your skin cells’ ultraviolet ray defenses internally.
Life Extension is Funding Study of Therapy That Cured Cancer in 100% of Mice
When news broke about a colony of mice that were 100% resistant to cancer, there was an explosion of excitement throughout the scientific community. These mice were immune to cancer because they had been bred with ultra-powerful white blood cells called super-charged granulocytes. In response, the Life Extension Foundation® provided funding to launch the first human study using this cancer treatment at the South Florida Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplant Institute.
Is Soy Safe?Busting the Myths of a Nutritional Powerhouse
Is soy safe? A vocal minority has fueled a “controversy” of misinformation that surrounds this nutritional powerhouse. A review of the published scientific literature uncovers a wealth of studies validating
soy’s broad-spectrum benefits, from cardiovascular disease and cancer prevention, to helping to maintain bone density.
Halt the Stealth Threat of Parkinson’s Disease: Advanced Protection for the Aging Brain
While there is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease, the single most important risk factor is well known: aging. Fortunately, advances in our understanding of how Parkinson’s unfolds has yielded safe, low-cost interventions to halt its stealth progress, including natural compounds many Life Extension® members already take.
In The News
Lower rheumatoid arthritis rates linked to vitamin D; supplement use associated with lower risk of cervical dysplasia in HPV-positive women; calcium associated with reduced breast cancer risk; lack of sleep may lead to overeating.
Laird Hamilton
Legendary big wave surfer Laird Hamilton tackles the ocean by keeping his body in peak condition. His secret? An active lifestyle, natural foods, and a number of vital supplements, including vitamin C and powdered greens.