Go With the Flow: Test your Blood Circulation

Older man running for better circulation

Find out if you’re at risk for a blood clot—before it’s too late

A blood clot—the cause of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolisms—can be fatal. In fact, about 100,000 people die from blood clots every year. Of those who don’t die from this condition, three in 10 will suffer another blood clot within 10 years. You don’t have to be one of these statistics, though. Determine your risk for a blood clot by measuring biomarkers of blood clotting activity, platelet health and other risk factors like inflammation, blood lipids—even serum viscosity. If the test results indicate a concern, you can work with your doctor to prevent this condition.

What do blood clot tests look for?

  • Measure blood clotting speed—important for anyone taking a medication that carries a risk for blood clots
  • Assesses the activity of fibrinogen, a protein that helps form blood clots
  • Detects abnormal clot risk factors—such as inflammation and clotting markers—as well as insulin resistance and cholesterol levels


How Life Extension lab testing works


1-800-226-2370 - This service is FREE
7:30 AM - 12 AM (ET) Mon-Fri | 9 AM - 12 AM (ET) Sat-Sun

Tests for Signs of Blood Clots

Determine your risk of blood clots and assess your circulatory health with these simple vitamin K1 tests and comprehensive stroke and thrombotic clot risk factor assessment panels. Once you know your risk, you can take steps to avoid deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and other complications.

Helps identify clotting abnormalities

5 (6)
  • $29.00
  • $29.00
  • Save 0%


Fibrinogen is a protein that is converted to fibrin, which helps form blood clots and is needed to prevent bleeding disorders. Increased fibrinogen activity is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular events.

Assesses how quickly a blood clot forms

5 (5)
  • $30.19
  • $30.19
  • Save 0%


This test is useful if you are taking the anticoagulant medication Coumadin (warfarin). Prothrombin time (PT) and partial thromboplastin time (PTT) are included in blood coagulation profiles.

Concerned about clotting & strokes? Evaluate risk with this test

5 (2)
  • $166.00
  • $166.00
  • Save 0%


Concerned about clotting and strokes? This panel includes tests for inflammatory/clotting markers, insulin resistance markers, lipid markers, blood cells, kidney function and liver function as well as other markers included in a CBC/chemistry panel.

Measures viscosity in serum and evaluates hyperviscosity syndrome

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  • $48.00
  • $48.00
  • Save 0%


This test assesses for blood flow resistance, which can be increased by inflammation and several other disorders.

Check to see if you're benefiting from preventative aspirin use

0 (0)
  • $149.00
  • $149.00
  • Save 0%


Research shows that about 25% of individuals are resistant to the beneficial effects of aspirin. The Aspirinworks™ Urine Test can determine if you’re one of them, which is important if you take this over-the-counter medication to stave off a cardiac event.

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1-800-226-2370 - This service is FREE
7:30 AM - 12 AM (ET) Mon-Fri | 9 AM - 12 AM (ET) Sat-Sun

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