October Issue
Since 1984, The Life Extension Foundation has battled against the high-cost of prescription drugs. We long ago predicted that a health care cost crisis would erupt if Congress did not reign in the artificially inflated prices that Americans pay for their prescription medications.
Topical Pain Relief
Over the past several years, research has identified the underlying causes of chronic inflammation. This article introduces a discovery that inhibits the inflammatory cascade in its earliest stages.
Newly Discovered Benefits of Gamma Tocopherol
A form of vitamin E, gamma tocopherol has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, as well as protecting against cancer, heart disease and degenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Extending Healthspan: Hormones, Supplements, Diet And Exercise
A review of Forever Ageless, by Ron Rothenberg, M.D. and Kathleen Becker, M.A., R.N.
Telomere Control & Cellular Aging
The study of human cellular aging has made great strides. The finding that it is possible to modify the pattern of cell behavior may lead to therapeutic applications that may slow the aging process in the future.
How To Look 20-Something at Almost Fifty
I am Elixxir, the Immortalist. My vocation in life is to stay young and live forever. So far, so good. And don't take my word for it.
Medical Updates
Studies from around the world that can help you live longer.
In The News
SAMe aids arthritis, vitamins and esophageal cancer, etc.
CLA Dosage
The recommended dosage for CLA based on studies is to take between three and four softgels daily.