June Issue
Using natural therapies for the prevention of breast and other forms of cancer. Second of a two part article series on cancer preventives and tamoxifen.
Estrogen Fails the Heart Test
Contrary to popular belief, evidence shows that synthetic hormone replacement increases the risk of heart attack in postmenopausal women. But there are alternatives.
Green Tea, Anti-Aging and Cancer-Fighting Agent
The beverage of choice in the east, green tea shows promise as an anti-aging, cancer-fighting agent.
Green Tea Good for the Heart
Good for the Soul, Good for the Heart.
Centenarian Rockfish
One-hundred-year-old rockfish, which manifest negligible senescence, may provide clues as to why humans age.
High Drug Prices and the FDA
The Great American Rip-Off.
In The News
Prolactin and breast cancer, aminoguanidine, WebWatch.
Medical Updates
Studies from around the world that can help you live healthier and longer.
Benefits of CLA Too Good To Be True
CLA benefits, TMG for depression, fish oils and more.
Larry Powers
Larry Powers, a former Mr. America, deals with Parkinson's and stills leads a full, energetic life.
Green Tea, 95% Polyphenol Extract
Green tea and its health benefits in the spotlight.