August Issue
New findings are confirming the benefits of a potent carotenoid called lycopene. It offers antioxidant protection against certain types of free radicals, and may protect against certain types of cancer.
Age Control in Redwood
Earlier this year, Australia opened its first anti-aging clinic aimed at studying the aging process in an effort to extend life span.
B12: The Vital Vitamin
Formerly, those suffering from a B12 deficiency subjected themselves to painful injections of the vitamin. New research showing the efficacy of oral B12 supplements may change all that.
Antioxidants and Aging
Nurturing the body with a diet and lifestyle that promote health and well being can help in the prevention of cell damage and, ultimately, extend a healthy life.
Review: The Antioxidant Network
A brief review of The Antioxidant Miracle, by Lester Packer, PhD and Carol Coleman.
A Scientific Renaissance
A Scientific Renaissance.
In The News
Americans fail the "veggie" test, upcoming events and more.
Lycopene The Smart Carotene
Smart phytoextracts, an improved Herbal Mix and a new "boosting" formula make their introductory appearance this month.
Dave Kekich
Back on Track!..One man's commitment to the cause.
The right deprenyl dosage, Life Extension Center on the move and more.
Medical Updates
Studies from around the world that can help you live longer.