

Further evidence linking greater vitamin B6 intake with colorectal cancer protection

June 4, 2005 Printer Friendly
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Life Extension Update Exclusive:

Further evidence linking greater vitamin B6 intake with colorectal cancer protection


Colorectal cancer

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Vitamin B6 capsules

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Life Extension Update Exclusive

Further evidence linking greater vitamin B6 intake with colorectal cancer protection

A study published in the June 2005 issue of the journal Gastroenterology (, established an association between a higher intake of vitamin B6 and a reduction in women’s colorectal cancer risk, particularly among those who consume alcohol. Readers of Life Extension’s online “What’s Hot” column may recall that a similar association was observed among participants in the Nurses’ Health Study by Harvard researchers in a report published in the May 4, 2005 Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

For the current study, researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the Harvard School of Public Health used data from the Swedish Mammography Cohort, which enrolled 61,433 Swedish women aged 40 to 75 between 1987 and 1990, who were followed for an average of 14.8 years. Questionnaires completed at the beginning of the study and in 1997 provided information on vitamin B6 intake from diet and supplements.

During the follow up period, there were 547 women diagnosed with colon cancer, 252 with rectal cancer and 6 with both cancers. Analysis of the data found a 34 percent lower risk of developing colorectal cancer for women whose vitamin B6 intake was in the highest one-fifth of participants compared to those in the lowest fifth.

Although the researchers found no overall association between alcohol intake and colorectal cancer risk, there was an association observed between the two among women whose vitamin B6 intake was low. However, among moderate drinkers, the risk of developing the disease was 72 percent lower for those in the top one-fifth of B6 intake compared to the lowest fifth.

Lead author Susanna Larsson, MSc of the Karolinska Institutet commented, “Consuming a diet high in vitamin B6 may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer in women, more specifically those who consume alcohol. Inadequate vitamin B6 status may lead to the development of cancerous polyps in the colon, so it is important for women to maintain a normal to high intake of vitamin B6."

She added, "These findings may have important implications for the prevention of colorectal cancer in women who consume alcohol because their vitamin B6 status can be easily improved through dietary modifications, vitamin supplementation and fortification.”


Colorectal cancer

There is a direct relationship suggested by epidemiological studies between total fat intake in the diet and increased risk of cancer in the colon and rectum. Animal fat, particularly dairy products, and red meat are associated with colon cancer risk, whereas there is no association with vegetable fats, and fish oils appear to have a protective effect (Schloss et al. 1997).

The risk factor associated with alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking is startling. Daily alcohol intake has been associated with a twofold increase in colon carcinoma (Giovannuci et al. 1998). Smoking is an independent risk factor and long-term smoking is particularly damaging, increasing the relative risk by 1.6-4.5 fold for adenoma formation (Nagata et al. 1999) Smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day increases the likelihood of having polyps by more then 250%, while alcohol consumption increases likelihood by 87%. When combined, smoking and alcohol consumption increase the likelihood by an astonishing 400% (Martinez et al. 1995; Lieberman et al. 2003).

In high-risk individuals, the use of multivitamins has been shown to reduce the risk of adenoma formation (Whelan et al.1999). A reduced risk of colon cancer is associated with the use of vitamin C (Howe et al. 1992). Vitamins C, E, and A showed protection against the risk of developing colorectal cancer (Newberne et al. 1990).

Featured Products

Vitamin B6 capsules

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is an important component of the coenzyme PLP, which metabolizes amino acids. Because of its amino acid transfer ability, the body can produce nonessential amino acids from available amino groups, as well as metabolize protein and urea. Vitamin B6 is essential because of its participation in more than 100 enzymatic reactions, including protein metabolism, conversion of tryptophan to niacin, and neurotransmitter function, among others.

The Life Extension Revolution, by Philip Lee Miller, MD and the Life Extension Foundation

This groundbreaking book uses cutting-edge antiaging advances for a practical program that will maximize your chances of living not only a long life—but a healthy, vibrant life.

Phillip Lee Miller, MD, is the founder and Medical Director of the Los Gatos Longevity Institute. A practicing clinician for more than 30 years, he is a Diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine and serves on the Medical Advisory Board of the Life Extension Foundation.


Life Extension Magazine

June 2005 issue now online!


The Life Extension Revolution, by Matt Sizing

Beta-sitosterol and the aging prostate gland, by Stephen B. Strum, MD, FACP, and William Faloon

Why sunscreens do not fully prevent skin cancer, by Dale Kiefer


Hormone testing for optimal health, by Penny Baron

Weight loss and other benefits of conjugated linoleic acid, by Dale Kiefer


As we see it: Does PSA promote prostate cancer? By Bill Faloon

In the news: FDA delays promising prostate cancer vaccine, Gamma-tocopherol helps kill prostate cancer cells, Judge rejects EU’s proposed supplement ban, Soy lowers blood sugar, insulin in postmenopausal women; Quercetin protects nerve cells from oxidation, DHEA improves cardiovascular health, Berry extract helps prevent ulcers

Ask the doctor: Topical alternatives to cosmetic surgical procedures, by Gary Goldfaden, MD

June 2005 abstracts: Beta-sitosterol, sun protection, hormone testing, CLA

Don’t miss the National Conference on Prostate Cancer 2005, June 16-19 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

Why attend this conference?

  • The best selection of speakers on prostate cancer ever assembled for a patient conference
  • A chance to be educated on "cutting-edge" research and practice
  • An opportunity to get to know other survivors and to build support networks

Questions? Comments? Send them to or call 1-800-678-8989.

For longer life,

Dayna Dye
Editor, Life Extension Update
1100 West Commercial Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale FL 33309
954 766 8433 extension 7716

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