How can I maintain my best health?
A plant-based diet with adequate protein, either from vegetarian sources or from lean meats, is a cornerstone of health. The Mediterranean diet is one such diet that has been scientifically validated to support health as we age. Both strength training and aerobic exercise can support health, and it is ideal to incorporate both of them into your exercise routine. Promoting hormone health and maintaining already-healthy cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels can also support whole-body health.
How can you benefit from fish oil?
Fish oil is the best source of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA. These healthy fats support cognition and heart health, help maintain healthy vascular function, support joint comfort and much more. Consuming EPA and DHA combined may also help maintain already-healthy blood pressure levels.
Which are the core supplements for supporting your wellbeing?
A multinutrient supplement containing the requisite vitamins and minerals is recommended by most health authorities. The addition of boosters or separate nutrient formulas such as those that support gender-specific needs or health concerns can help elevate nutrient intake to help maintain overall wellness.