Why Whole Milk Is Good For You
What's Hot Archive
March 24, 1999
Multiple Sclerosis Cause and Cure in Sight?
Multiple Sclerosis is a devastating disease in which the immune system attacks nerve fibers. Until recently no one knew the cause, although environmental toxins, stress or a virus had been hypothesized.
During last year's conference of the American Neurological Association held in Montreal, researchers presented evidence of the human herpes virus-6 (HHV-6) found in MS patients' blood, lymph nodes and in the precise brain areas in which nerve fibers were being destroyed by the disease. Other current research confirms this. Virologist Konnie Knox stated, "Where there is inflammation . . . where there is disease, that's where we see the virus."
Most people have been infected with the HHV-6 virus during childhood, but in some adults the it reactivates for unknown reasons. One MS patient experimentally put on an antiviral drug after a blood test revealed the virus now shows no symptoms of the disease. One MS patient experimentally put on an antiviral drug after a blood test revealed the virus, now shows no symptoms of the disease.
—D Dye
March 9, 1999
Why Whole Milk Is Good For You
Years ago, everyone considered whole milk as the almost perfect food, and most Americans (except those allergic to milk sugar [lactose]) consumed a great deal of it.
Today, most Americans drink either low-fat or non-fat milk in order to avoid the fat in whole milk. However, in doing so, they're also missing out one type of fat in whole milk -- conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) -- that can actually help us lose weight.
Another highly nutritious, health-building ingredient in whole milk is whey protein, the minority protein in whole milk. Whey is the residue left over when cheese is made from casein, the dominant protein in whole milk.
Studies have shown that whey protein, which is available as a supplemental powder, helps to prevent cancer and has extended the lifespan of laboratory animals.
—D Dye
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