CHF occurs when the heart cannot pump efficiently enough to supply the body with freshly oxygenated blood. It affects about 5 million people in the United States. Within 5 years, medical experts predict that about half of these patients will have died of their conditions (American Heart Association 2004). Hoping to prolong survival, patients with CHF are typically treated with an array of powerful medications that have been shown to increase survival, often at a high cost. The conventional drugs used to treat CHF have significant adverse effects and, in many cases, implantation of a lifesaving medical device, or even having a heart transplant, may be necessary. Studies have shown that nutrients and supplements can strengthen the heart muscle, with fewer side effects than the powerful pharmaceuticals often used to treat the condition. CoQ10 is one of the most powerful. The goal with nutrients and supplements is the same as with conventional medication: to slow the gradual enlargement and weakening of the heart. This process, which occurs in all forms of CHF, is called cardiac remodeling. During cardiac remodeling, the heart gradually changes shape, becoming larger and thinner. Cardiac remodeling is the driving force behind the reduced quality of life experienced by patients with CHF (Fedak PW et al 2005; Weisberg AD et al 2005). By reinforcing the heart's function, it may be possible to slow cardiac remodeling. In this regard, CoQ10 has been studied since the middle 1960s. Present in high quantities throughout the heart muscle, CoQ10 has many beneficial effects, including energy production (Awata N et al 1980; Crane FL et al 1997; Nakamura Y et al 1982; Nayler WG 1980), an antioxidant effect (Frei B et al 1990), and stabilizing the heart membrane (Ondarroa M et al 1986). | BHRT World Summit 2 - an internet video seminar November 10-25, 2008 Bio-Identical Hormones, derived from vegetable sources, are the exact hormones that our bodies produce. When a person has the proper balance of natural hormones, they look great and feel wonderful. Low hormone levels are thought to be a root cause of some illnesses. Ten top experts in the field of Bio-Identical Hormones, who usually present only to doctors, are being brought together to pass on to the public how they use Bio-Identical Hormones and natural treatments to make menopause a breeze, to improve and to even cure diabetes, to help men regain their muscle and sexual function and more. You'll learn the up to date natural treatments that work for osteoporosis, wound healing and energy medicine. Learn which hormones will get rid of brain fog and improve your memory. Digestive problems rob your hormones. You'll learn how to find out what the real cause of the digestive problem is and how to fix it. Did you know that there are more testosterone receptors in the heart then in any other organ and that using testosterone can help so many heart patients? This is an excellent opportunity to learn from the experts. When you register for the BHRT World Summit 2, you will be watching the advancement of the forefront of medicine. This is medicine in its purest sense, based on medical research and years of clinical findings. Click here to register: |