Life Extension Magazine®
On March 18, 2010, headline news articles proclaimed that drugs used to lower blood pressure, triglycerides, and other vascular risk factors do not protect diabetics against heart attack or stroke.1,2 The studies cited by media were badly flawed. That means the findings from these studies have no relationship to those who follow a comprehensive program to prevent and reverse the clinical course of type 2 diabetes. It is important that you understand how poorly designed these studies were. Just imagine falling from a 70-story building. This of course will kill you. If the height is reduced by 25% (to 52 floors), you still die from the fall. Researchers took a large group of type 2 diabetics and gave them a drug called Tricor® (fenofibrate) or a placebo. At the end of the study, median triglyceride levels fell 25.6% from 164 to 122 mg/dL in the fenofibrate group, and 10.0% from 160 to 144 mg/dL in the placebo group.1 When no significant reductions in heart attack or stroke occurred, the media declared the therapies useless. The reality is that high-risk cardiac patients need to suppress triglycerides below 60-80 mg/dL to protect against vascular disease.3-9 Why Drugs Don’t Prevent Heart Attacks in DiabeticsAs Life Extension® long ago stated, triglyceride blood levels above 100 mg/dL in healthy people are dangerous. Those with other cardiovascular risk factors (like diabetes) need to keep triglycerides below 60-80. Conventional doctors still believe antiquated reference ranges that claim triglyceride levels up to 149 are safe.
There are 17 independent risk factors that cause heart attack and stroke. In the flawed clinical trials on type 2 diabetics, researchers partially corrected only 5 (or fewer) of these 17 risk factors. Is it any wonder why conventional cardiology fails so many aging individuals? The medical establishment refuses to utilize findings from the published scientific literature to protect their patients. That’s why it is so important that Life Extension members have a comprehensive Male or Female Blood Test Panel every year. These blood tests not only detect a wide range of cardiac risk factors, but they also can identify those in a pre-diabetic state. More than 23 million Americans have type 2 diabetes today. The frightening projection from the National Institutes of Health is that at least 57 million Americans are in a “pre-diabetic” state, indicating they are at significant future risk of suffering deadly diabetic complications like kidney failure, blindness, peripheral nerve damage, heart disease, and stroke.10 If detected early, those with elevated blood sugar levels (but not overt diabetes) can reduce type 2 diabetes risk by 58% with lifestyle interventions.11 The drug metformin alone reduces diabetes risk by 31%.11 Life Extension members have access to a much wider range of natural approaches to further protect against type 2 diabetes. Doctors have finally come to the realization of the critical need to prevent “pre-diabetes” from mushrooming into full-blown type 2 diabetes. Prevention begins with the comprehensive blood testing offered to Life Extension members at a fraction of the cost of commercial labs. Blood Test Super Sale… Lowest Prices of the Year!Once a year, Life Extension® discounts its already low blood test prices. Until June 7, 2010, members can order the Male or Female Blood Test Panel for only $199. According to the February 11, 2010 New England Journal of Medicine: “The lifetime risk of type 2 diabetes is now more than one in three in the general population.”12
Comprehensive blood testing not only reveals if you are pre-diabetic (or diabetic), but the test results also identify certain risk factors that if corrected can prevent type 2 diabetes from developing. Type 2 diabetes is not an acute illness. For many people, the disease festers in the body for seven to ten years before actual diagnosis. Studies have shown that type 2 diabetes can be prevented in at-risk people,10, 13-16 which is the reason why early detection is so important before deadly complications like coronary artery disease result. The regular member discounted price for the blood tests included in the Male or Female Panels is $269. If you order by June 7, 2010, the price is slashed to $199. When you order these tests, a requisition form is sent listing blood drawing stations in your local area. Appointments are usually not necessary, meaning you can have your blood drawn at your convenience. To order these blood tests by phone or if you have any questions, call 1-800-208-3444 (24 hours a day). You can also order online by visiting Nutrients in Lieu of DrugsThe FDA-approved drug Tricor® is associated with a wide range of side effects, whereas fish oil provides multiple vascular benefits.17-21 Fish oil and other nutrients dramatically slash stubbornly high triglyceride levels.22-29 Comprehensive blood testing reveals whether the nutrients, hormones, and drugs you take are reducing vascular risk factors to optimal safe ranges. If you have any questions on the scientific information in this article, please call a Life Extension® Health Advisor at 1-866-864-3027.
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