Life Extension Magazine®

Novel Form of CoQ10

When it comes to achieving optimal results from coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), how much you absorb is of critical importance. Recently published studies conclusively show that higher CoQ10 blood levels provide far greater benefits.

Scientifically reviewed by: Dr. Gary Gonzalez, MD, in October 2024. Written by: Life Extension Editorial Staff.

When it comes to achieving optimal results from coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), how much you absorb is of critical importance. Recently published studies conclusively show that higher CoQ10 blood levels provide far greater benefits.

Two years ago, Life Extension introduced a patented CoQ10 absorption technology that delivered significantly greater amounts of this essential nutrient into the bloodstream. Over the past nine months, Life Extension researchers have spent enormous resources improving coenzyme Q10 absorption rates.

In what is an economic setback for Life Extension, but a huge breakthrough for consumers, the largest Japanese producer of CoQ10 has patented a novel form of coenzyme Q10 that increases human blood levels up to 8-times more efficiently than expensive, higher-absorption CoQ10 products offered by commercial companies.

Based on the indisputable supremacy of this novel form of Japanese CoQ10, the resources expended by Life Extension this year to improve its own CoQ10 absorption technology have gone to waste.

Why Life Extension Is Thrilled to Lose Its Investment

If Life Extension functioned only as a profit-making commercial company, the news of a superior competitive product would have been a major economic disappointment.

Instead, Life Extension researchers were elated when they found that this new form of CoQ10 was 40% more effective than conventional CoQ10 in slowing aging markers in middle-aged mice.

It's impressive enough to review the statistics on this new form of CoQ10, such as a study on aged rats that documents the 2.5 times greater anti-fatigue effects compared to conventional CoQ10 supplements.1 What has Life Extension researchers astounded, however, is seeing the actual video footage of the mice themselves in response to this superior form of CoQ10.

The video shows that the aging group of mice receiving no supplementation is essentially immobile and unresponsive, exhibiting lesions in and around the eye with spinal and limb deformities and a patchy, discolored coat. Many of these pathological events that are seen in the mice not supplemented with CoQ10 are classic signs of degenerative aging suffered by humans. Aging mice supplemented with this novel form of CoQ10, on the other hand, are alert, responsive and energetic with no physical lesions or deformities, and a glossy coat resembling that of a young, healthy mouse.2

As one can clearly see by the three still photos on the right, the mouse receiving no CoQ10 suffered severe aging consequences, whereas the mouse receiving conventional CoQ10 suffered noticeable, but not as harsh degenerative changes. The mouse receiving the new form of CoQ10, on the other hand, appears to be very healthy. As a whole, the group who received the new form CoQ10 aged 40% slower than the group receiving conventional CoQ10 and 51% slower than the group receiving no CoQ10.2


These pictures were taken of senescent-accelerated mice (SAMP1/Iaas) at around 12 months of age. The control mouse at the top received no coenzyme Q10 and underwent the severe degenerative changes that normally occur in this breed of mouse.

The mouse in the middle received conventional coenzyme Q10 and displayed a slower rate of aging compared to the group receiving no coenzyme Q10.

The mouse at the bottom received the new “ubiquinol” form of coenzyme Q10 and was shown to age 40% slower than the group receiving conventional coenzyme Q10. Compared to the controls who received no coenzyme Q10, the group who received the new “ubiquinol” coenzyme Q10 aged at a 51% slower rate.

Yellow Arrows: Bended backbone
Blue Arrows: Irritation

Why This New Form of CoQ10 Works So Much Better

Coenzyme Q10 exists in both ubiquinol and ubiquinone forms, but they have very different roles to play in the body. For the first time, a stabilized ubiquinol form of CoQ10 is available in capsule form. When compared to conventional (ubiquinone) CoQ10 supplements, the benefits of ubiquinol are enormously superior.

For example, a recent peer-reviewed study measured the absorption in humans supplementing with 150 mg and 300 mg of this new ubiquinol form of coenzyme Q10.3 As can be seen in the chart below, far lower doses of ubiquinol produce about the same blood (plasma) levels compared with much higher doses of ubiquinone. This chart shows that it takes 8-times more ubiquinone to increase CoQ10 blood levels to what can be achieved with much lower doses of ubiquinol.

What may also make this novel form of CoQ10 so much more effective than CoQ10 supplements on the market today is its ability to remain biologically active in the body much longer. In a study on aged rats, blood concentrations of this new ubiquinol CoQ10 was 3.75-fold greater after eight hours compared to the same amount of conventional coenzyme Q10.2

The superior absorption and ability to remain bioavailable over a greater sustained time period may account for the unprecedented anti-senescent effects observed with new ubiquinol compared to ubiquinone.

Full Report on this New CoQ10 in Next Month's Issue

In what may be the most profound anti-senescent discovery ever made about a dietary supplement, scientists have demonstrated that this novel form of coenzyme Q10 is vastly superior to the CoQ10 supplements that millions of Americans use today.

The Life Extension magazine that you will receive in early December 2006 will feature an in-depth report on this new ubiquinol form of Japanese CoQ10. Rather than having our members wait another few weeks to enjoy the avant-garde benefits of this patented CoQ10, Life Extension is making it available now at low Super Sale prices.

Since this novel CoQ10 absorbs so much better, and remains in the bloodstream so much longer than conventional supplements, fewer milligrams are needed to provide greater effects. Each capsule of the new Super Bio-Active CoQ10 provides 50 mg of this novel “ubiquinol” form of coenzyme Q10.

Compared to expensive commercial supplements, taking just three 50 mg ubiquinol capsules a day provides the human body with the equivalent of over 1000 mg of enhanced-absorption conventional coenzyme Q10. For most healthy people, one capsule of the new Super BioActive CoQ10 taken two times a day will provide significantly higher blood levels than the CoQ10 they are presently taking.

The retail price of a bottle containing 100 50-mg capsules of Super BioActive CoQ10 is $78. If a member buys four bottles during Super Sale, the cost is reduced to $47.25 each. If ten bottles are ordered during Super Sale, the price per box plummets to only $44.55 each.

To order the new Super BioActive CoQ10, call 1-800-544-4440.


1. Kaneka Corporation study. Treadmill test with the aged rat at age of 61-63 weeks. 2006.

2. Yan J, Fujii K, et al. Exp Gerontol. 2006 Feb;41(2):130-40.

3. J Food Sci Nutr. 2006 Nov-Dec;57(7-8):546-55.