Life Extension Magazine®

Inside Information on CoQ10

The latest findings on a highly therapeutic nutrient that can protect you against cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Scientifically reviewed by: Dr. Gary Gonzalez, MD, in October 2024. Written by: Life Extension Editorial Staff.

Inside Information on CoQ10

imageThe Life Extension Foundation introduced Coenzyme QlO (CoQ10) to the United States in 1983. Since then, there have been hundreds of studies showing that CoQ10 is a safe and effective therapy for heart disease, cancer, immune depression, low energy and aging. Most Foundation members already know about the published reports documenting CoQ10's ability to prevent and treat the degenerative diseases of aging.
What members have not been privy to is "inside" information from physicians and scientists who have yet to publish the findings of their research on CoQ10.

Here Are the Latest Reports on CoQ10

  1. 1. Published studies have previously shown that CoQ10 protects heart muscle cells against adriamycin induced cardiomyopathy. Adriamycin is a popular cytotoxic drug used in cancer chemotherapy. These studies showed that a double dose of adriamycin could be administered in the presence of CoQ10 without encountering cardiac toxicity. What the study did not reveal was that only 10% of the cancer patients receiving CoQ10 and adriamycin were dead after three years, while 90% of the patients given adriamycin without CoQ10 were dead within 1.5 years! European oncologists are now using high doses of CoQ10 to put cancer patients into long term remissions. In studies in breast cancer patients, the results have been so astonishing that, after gathering more data, scientists expect to announce the cancer treatment breakthrough of the 20th century!
  2. The Foundation has recommended a maximum dose of 400 mg a day of CoQ10 for patients with heart disease and cancer. European doctors are now using 600 mg a day of CoQ10 without encountering toxicity. Cancer patients should consider taking this higher dose of CoQ10.
  3. Scientists have not yet determined the exact mechanism by which CoQ10 benefits cancer patients. Preliminary evidence indicates that CoQ10 may suppress the proliferation of cancer cells and boost immune factors that kill cancer cells.
  4. CoQ10 is only effective in treating heart disease and chronic fatigue syndrome in those already deficient in CoQ10. About 16-18% of heart disease patients fail to respond to CoQ10 because they are not deficient in it. The same is true for 23-28% of chronic fatigue syndrome patients.
  5. Those with heart disease who benefit from CoQ10, must continue taking it for the rest of their lives (just like other heart medications). When a study showed significant relapses in heart disease patients after CoQ10 was discontinued, the FDA tried to use this study to ban CoQ10 for not "curing" heart disease. Since no other cardiac medications "cure" heart disease, this is an example of the FDA's prejudice against natural therapies. Unlike cardiac drugs that work almost immediately, CoQ10 can take 60-to-90 days to produce a therapeutic effect. It also takes 60-to-90 days for the effects of CoQ10 to wear off. Some heart disease patients discontinue taking CoQ10 after they experience a dramatic improvement in their condition because they think they've been "cured". In reality, however, they are increasingly at risk of dying as their cellular levels of CoQ10 decline.
  6. CoQ10 combined with Vitamin E protects LDL cholesterol against oxidation, which causes much of the arterial damage of atherosclerosis. CoQ10 dramatically extends vitamin E's ability to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. In patients with coronary artery atherosclerosis who take high doses of CoQ10 for 2-to-3 years, regressions of coronary artery blockage has been observed.
  7. CoQ10 may by the most potent antioxidant found in mitochondria. CoQ10 is responsible for 95% of energy expenditure in some areas of our cells.
  8. Psoriasis is a serious medical condition that does not always respond to conventional corticosteroid therapy. High dose coenzyme Q10 appears to be an effective therapy against psoriasis. It works by improving the immune profile of the skin.
  9. CoQ10 is being looked at as a therapeutic for prostate cancer.
  10. More scientific conferences are being planned to disseminate information about the role CoQ10 may play in the treatment of cancer.
  11. For optimal health maintenance, healthy people over the age 40 should take at least 100 mg a day of absorbable CoQ10.
  12. CoQ10 in an oil-base absorbs twice as well into the bloodstream as CoQ10 in powder form.