Nasal support can reduce sneezing response

How to keep allergies under control

How to keep allergies under control

The nose is one of the body’s points of entry for everything from the fragrance of roses to bacteria, viruses and allergens. It’s also one of the first places to react to inhaled irritants with sneezing and increased mucus production. Nasal support is just one aspect of maintaining immune health, but it shouldn’t be neglected. Mainstream as well as natural therapies discussed in Life Extension’s protocol for allergies, including those that support a healthy microbiome, can help safeguard and maintain the health of the nasal cavity.

Nasal Support Science & Research

Promote nasal comfort by supporting your immune system’s healthy response to the world around you.

Frequently Asked Nasal Support Questions


What are some natural remedies for runny nose due to allergies?

Because allergies generally are caused by an overactive immune system, interventions to promote a healthy, balanced immune response may be beneficial. Several studies have suggested that probiotics may provide support for common seasonal immune irregularities. Specifically, an extract from the probiotic yeast S. cerevisiae and the L-92 strain of L. acidophilus have been shown to provide support. Other studies have suggested benefit for B. longum BB536, L. plantarum 14 and L. rhamnosus GG. Also, vitamin D may help balance the immune system and avert exaggerated responses to some irritants. An extract of butterbur has been shown to help reduce the propensity of certain immune cells to release inflammatory mediators, such as histamine and leukotrienes.


How can I prevent nasal congestion?

Nasal congestion, or rhinitis, is a generally mild inflammatory response affecting the nasal passages. It causes symptoms such as congestion and a runny nose. If the sinuses are affected, this condition is called rhinosinusitis and it may be a bit more troublesome, including experiencing head discomfort and pressure. Most cases of nasal congestion are due to environmental allergies. Taking over-the-counter antihistamines may help ease seasonal allergy symptoms. For particularly troublesome cases, immunotherapy may be worthwhile. It consists of repeated small exposures to an irritant to attune your immune system to that irritant. Ask your doctor about immunotherapy. If you’re not sure what causes your allergy symptoms, there are tests available to help you find out. For instance, the skin prick test uses tiny exposures on your skin to determine which substances your immune system reacts to. You can then adjust your lifestyle accordingly to avoid exposure to the irritants revealed by the test.


What are nutrients that may ease nasal congestion?

Quercetin, a plant flavonoid, has been used for a long time to help ease seasonal irritations. Butterbur extract may also help. Maintaining healthy levels of omega-3 fatty acids may also help keep the immune system in balance. Similarly, maintaining healthy vitamin D levels can also support a healthy immune response.

Nasal Immune Support News

Science and Research About Maintaining a Healthy Nasal System