December 2006
- Green tea helps prevent stroke induced brain damage (12/30/2006)
- Lower vitamin D levels may help explain higher cancer incidence among African Americans (12/16/2006)
- Magnesium supplementation increases girls bone mineral content (12/19/2006)
- Mothers intake of indole 3 carbinol could help protect children from cancer (12/23/2006)
- To your health (12/12/2006)
- Vitamin B12 deficiency linked with reduced cognitive function scores (12/09/2006)
- Women with reduced micronutrient levels have greater risk of disability (12/05/2006)
November 2006
- Alpha lipoic acid improves diabetic neuropathy symptoms (11/07/2006)
- Another cancer linked with reduced vitamin D levels (11/28/2006)
- Higher DHA levels associated with reduced risk of dementia (11/14/2006)
- Higher vitamin E levels associated with lower mortality in men over 19 year period (11/11/2006)
- Meta analysis justifies the use of folic acid to reduce heart disease and strokes (11/25/2006)
- More exciting findings for resveratrol (11/18/2006)
- Resveratrol protects overweight mice (11/04/2006)
- Vitamin E protects male smokers (11/21/2006)
October 2006
- Grapeseed extract blocks colorectal tumor growth in human cells and animals (10/24/2006)
- Higher blood levels of vitamin C associated with reduced gastric cancer risk (10/28/2006)
- Latest macular degeneration study plans to add new nutritional supplements (10/14/2006)
- Meta analysis finds higher selenium levels linked with lower coronary artery disease risk (10/07/2006)
- Omega 3 fatty acid supplements slow cognitive decline in early Alzheimers disease (10/10/2006)
- Silymarin improves diabetic blood values (10/31/2006)
- Vitamin E compound fights breast cancer spread (10/03/2006)
September 2006
- Calorie restriction reduces Alzheimers disease neuropathology in monkeys (09/19/2006)
- Fatty fish consumption associated with reduced kidney cancer risk (09/23/2006)
- Higher plasma vitamin C levels associated with reduced coronary artery disease risk (09/16/2006)
- Low vitamin D levels predict nursing home admission (09/09/2006)
- Meta analysis finds fruit vegetable intake linked with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease (09/30/2006)
- Meta analysis finds soy protein improves lipids (09/26/2006)
- Vitamin D slashes pancreatic cancer risk (09/12/2006)
- Vitamin E deficient mothers likelier to have asthmatic children (09/02/2006)
August 2006
- Benfotiamine prevents endothelial dysfunction after AGE rich meal (08/26/2006)
- Chilling out mentally could slow aging (08/19/2006)
- CLA treats diabetes in mice (08/05/2006)
- Diseased arteries found to be prematurely aged (08/29/2006)
- Fibrinogen adds to value of CRP levels for predicting cardiovascular events (08/08/2006)
- Low testosterone levels in older men increase the risk of death during 4 year average follow up (08/15/2006)
- Omega 3 fatty acids reduce prostate cancer growth (08/01/2006)
- Review affirms evidence for protective effect of vitamin D and calcium against breast cancer (08/12/2006)
- Supercentenarians—who are they? (08/21/2006)
July 2006
- Alpha lipoic acid completely prevents atherosclerosis in diabetic mice (07/29/2006)
- American Heart Association journal concludes majority of coronary events in older men may be preventable (07/04/2006)
- Calcium from supplements helps slow middle aged spread (07/01/2006)
- IOM estimates at least 15 million adverse drug events preventable (07/22/2006)
- Review finds current vitamin D recommendations insufficient to achieve healthy blood levels (07/08/2006)
- Studies associate omega 3 fatty acid intake with reduced risk of macular degeneration (07/11/2006)
- Study confirms CRP as strong predictor of death from coronary artery disease (07/25/2006)
- Study finds elevated homocysteine more than doubled heart attack risk in high risk patients (07/18/2006)
- Tocotrienol supplementation elevates blood levels sufficiently to help protect against neurologic damage (07/15/2006)
June 2006
- British journal warns that new American cholesterol recommendations are too low (06/06/2006)
- Encouraging news for couch potatoes (06/03/2006)
- Folic acid supplements shrink precancerous lesions (06/13/2006)
- Mechanism defined for calorie restrictions preventive benefit in Alzheimers disease (06/17/2006)
- Melatonin found in grapes (06/20/2006)
- Omega 3 fatty acids improve heart attack survival in rats (06/27/2006)
- Pilot study finds soy lowers PSA without reducing testosterone (06/24/2006)
- Vegetable lutein zeaxanthin and zinc intake linked with lower risk of non Hodgkin lymphoma (06/10/2006)
May 2006
- American Heart Association issues stroke prevention guidelines (05/06/2006)
- Cysteine recommended for digestive tract cancer prevention (05/23/2006)
- Exercise and restricted diet reduce colorectal polyps and improve survival in animal study (05/16/2006)
- Lifestyle changes improve cognitive function in just two weeks (05/31/2006)
- Melatonin improves SAD patients (05/02/2006)
- Prostate cancer grows more rapidly in selenoprotein deficient mice (05/13/2006)
- Vegetable compound fights hereditary cancers (05/20/2006)
- Vitamin E and melatonin help prevent cognitive deficits in diabetic rats (05/09/2006)
April 2006
- Brain cocktail proposed by MIT team (04/29/2006)
- Calcium supplements dont work if you dont take them (04/25/2006)
- Fish oil relieves neck and back pain (04/15/2006)
- Harvard study of professional men finds greater vitamin D levels protective against all cancers (04/04/2006)
- Higher folate and B12 intake associated with reduced breast cancer risk (04/18/2006)
- Higher levels of vitamin E may protect against frailty among older individuals (04/01/2006)
- Human calorie restriction study supports benefits demonstrated in other species (04/08/2006)
- Peripheral artery disease lower among those with greater vitamin E and plant oil intake (04/22/2006)
- Vitamin C levels correlate with fat oxidation (04/11/2006)
March 2006
- Another look at high dose vitamin C cancer therapy (03/28/2006)
- Beta carotene may protect against aging associated decline in lung function (03/25/2006)
- Drop in US and Canadian stroke mortality rate coincides with folic acid fortification (03/18/2006)
- More vitamin C means less inflammation (03/11/2006)
- Polyphenols fight periodontal disease (03/14/2006)
- Vitamin E succinate inhibits prostate tumor growth in laboratory studies (03/21/2006)
February 2006
- Diabetes epidemic threatens cardiovascular disease gains (02/28/2006)
- Ginkgo benefits more than the brain (02/25/2006)
- Herbal combo improves menopausal symptoms (02/21/2006)
- Older age associated with poor nutritional status (02/14/2006)
- Resveratrol extends lifespan of vertebrate (02/07/2006)
- Selenium supplementation associated with reduced colorectal cancer risk (02/04/2006)
- Study finds adherence to supplement regimen improves protection against fracture risk (02/18/2006)
- Vitamin D antimetastasis mechanism reported (02/11/2006)
January 2006
- Calorie restriction keeps its followers young at heart (01/14/2006)
- Curcumin and cruciferous vegetable compound help prevent treat prostate cancer in vivo (01/17/2006)
- Diet plus exercise reverses metabolic syndrome in three weeks (01/10/2006)
- Elevated homocysteine linked with macular degeneration risk (01/07/2006)
- Fish and omega 3s sometimes more is more (01/21/2006)
- Genistein promotes weight loss in menopausal mice (01/31/2006)
- Higher carotenoid and selenium levels associated with reduced risk of death over 5 year period (01/03/2006)
- Longitudinal study finds healthy diets associated with significantly fewer deaths over ten year period (01/24/2006)
- Meta analysis confirms vegetable fruit benefit in stroke prevention (01/28/2006)