Limited Time. AGE REVERSAL NETWORK Lab Test Special. Blood Tests to Calculate Biological Age.

Lab Test Special Research Panel
(CBC/Chem/Lipids/CRP/A1C/Insulin)(CBC/Chem/Lipids/CRP/A1C/Insulin) Blood Test

Special Offer: $85.00

Plus Biological Age Report At No Cost

Offer ends December 31, 2024

Phenotypic Age Project Panel Blood Test

Test key aging markers and calculate biological age.

  • $100.00
  • $85.00
  • Save 15%

This limited-time offer includes:

Complete Blood Count (CBC) / Chemistry / Lipids Panel Blood Test

Helps assess cardiovascular health and overall well-being by measuring cholesterol, triglycerides and blood cell count.


Reactive Protein (CRP), Cardiac Blood Test

Measures the degree of inflammation occurring in your body—high levels of which are associated with cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and other concerns.


Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) Blood Test

Provides a better picture of your average blood glucose during the past few months by evaluating long-term blood sugar control and is one of the leading theories of aging.


Insulin Fasting Blood Test

Measures fasting insulin to help diagnose insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

You’ll be sent a list of drawing stations in your area along with a pre-paid requisition. You can walk into the drawing station nearest you at your convenience.

These tests cost far less than what commercial labs change and you get results back fast. You also have free access to our Wellness Specialists to help review your results.

For more information, call 1-800-208-3444

Blood test services are available only in the continental United States and Anchorage, AK. Not available in Maryland.
Restrictions apply for residents of MA, NY, NJ, RI, and PA.