Health Benefits of Chlorophyll Supplements
Published: May 2021 | Updated: May 2021
Sure, you know that green vegetables are nutritious, but did you know why, exactly, they’re so good for you? The answer (at least in part) lies within the very thing that makes them green: chlorophyll. This naturally occurring pigment is essential for photosynthesis, or the way plants turn sunlight into energy.
Getting plenty of chlorophyll in your diet is a great way to support your overall health, increase your energy and bolster your immune system. So by all means, bring on the broccoli, ante up your asparagus intake and say “kale, yeah!” to dark, leafy greens.
But if you don’t love veggies—or, perhaps it’s difficult for you to eat them, or because you don’t have regular access to a grocery store or farmer’s market—you can still get the benefits of chlorophyll in supplement form, as chlorophyllin.
And in fact, supplementing with chlorophyllin may offer you more benefits than, say, your spinach omelet on its own.
What are the benefits of chlorophyll?

Experts have touted chlorophyll for everything from its support of healthy digestion to its impact on your appearance; this nutrient has been linked to fresher, more youthful skin.
What’s even more exciting (if anything could be more exciting than younger skin!) is that some research suggests that chlorophyll helps metabolic detoxification pathways, which are involved in the process of inhibiting the effects of free radicals and environmental toxins.
To be fair, when you live a healthy lifestyle—including eating those chlorophyll-rich green veggies—your body has an elegant, natural process for eliminating what it doesn’t need…no extra “detox” help from you is needed!
However, if you think that you’ve been over-exposed to toxins—whether you live in a polluted area, or worry that you are more sensitive to the chemicals in everything from new carpeting to cooking fumes—ensuring you have adequate intake of chlorophyll is a good measure to take to protect the health of your DNA.
The word “adequate,” of course is key, here—and, a chlorophyllin supplement can help you hit your chlorophyll goal, which offers good peace of mind…compared to relying only on the green veggies on your plate to get the job done!
Why should you supplement with chlorophyllin?

Here’s a sad truth about food: when we sit down to a healthy meal, not all of the goodness on our plate ends up benefitting our bodies. This is true with those chlorophyll-rich foods. Whether you’re eating a spinach salad or a green bean casserole, chlorophyll may not survive the process of digestion.
This is why you might want to supplement. Chlorophyllin supplements contain the same phytonutrients as chlorophyll-rich foods—and, they may be easier for the body to absorb. This makes them a great choice for anyone who wants to ensure they are getting adequate amounts of this nutrient!
Is liquid chlorophyll better than capsules?
You’ll typically find chlorophyllin supplements in two forms—liquid and capsules. The liquid usually needs to be mixed with water and consumed several times a day, and has become quite a social media phenomenon in recent months. A more convenient approach, though, may be to take chlorophyllin capsules, which you can simply swallow alongside meals, for optimal results. Both are effective, but if you have a busy lifestyle, it might be easier to stick to capsules than liquid.
You should also factor in the cost—chlorophyll capsules tend to be less expensive than the nutrient in liquid form. And who doesn’t want to spend less green on their greens!
How much chlorophyll should you be consuming daily?

Whether you go for the convenience of a capsule or join the ranks of TikTok fans who have been swigging chlorophyll water, the suggested serving for chlorophyllin is 100-300 mg per day. To avoid side effects, don’t exceed the maximum dose.
There is no limit on how many green veggies you should eat, though—and in fact, with your daily goal of five to seven servings of fruit and vegetables a day, you have plenty of opportunities to get chlorophyll-rich foods from your diet. Enjoy a spinach smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch and some roasted kale for dinner…yum!
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Does taking chlorophyll have side effects?
Generally, chlorophyll is safe, but it is possible that you may experience occasional digestive discomfort from chlorophyllin supplements, which is why you should stick with the dosage on the label. Check the reviews on chlorophyllin products before you buy—most customers aren’t shy when they’ve had an unpleasant GI experience!
If you’re on any other medications, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to ensure chlorophyll won’t interact with the drugs’ efficacy.
Living a “green” lifestyle—inside and out

While chlorophyll supplements are a great choice if you want to protect yourself from “foreign” elements in your environment, they aren’t the only part of a clean-living strategy. Do your part to avoid consuming and contributing to unnecessary chemicals and pollution, and choose fresh, organic produce when possible so that you can truly live a “green” lifestyle—inside and out.
Living clean—and green—isn’t easy…but the rewards are well-worth it!
- Berry, Jennifer. “What are the benefits of chlorophyll?” Medical News Today, July 2018, https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322361
- Bowman, Joe et al. “The Benefits of Chlorophyll.” Healthline, November 2020, https://www.healthline.com/health/liquid-chlorophyll-benefits-risks
- Greenwald, Morgan. “Liquid chlorophyll: What to know before buying.” NBC News, April 2021, https://www.nbcnews.com/shopping/food-and-drink/liquid-chlorophyll-benefits-n1264233
- Sarkar, D et al. “Chlorophyll and chlorophyllin as modifiers of genotoxic effects.” Mutat Res., December 1994, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7527487/
- Sass, Cynthia, MPH, RD. “What You Should Know About the Chlorophyll Trend.” Health.com, January 2020, https://www.health.com/nutrition/chlorophyll
- Zhong, Siqiong et al. “The Metabolism and Potential Bioactivity of Chlorophyll and Metallo-chlorophyll Derivatives in the Gastrointestinal Tract.” Mol Nutr Food Res., April 2021, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33548074/
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