

Estrogen Supplements: How Do They Work?

If you’re in the throes of menopause (or are just getting started with perimenopause), perhaps you’ve been intrigued by products labeled “estrogen supplements.” Expert Dr. Vanessa Pavey explains how these work, plus lifestyle hacks to support estrogen levels.

Woman power walking to help with menopause

Best Exercises for Menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, oh my! Menopause, while unwelcome, doesn’t have to mean that you have to just grin and bear it. A smart workout plan, including targeted exercises, can help tackle the most common symptoms of menopause and have you looking and feeling your fittest.

8 Best Perimenopause Supplements

Perimenopause is marked by discomfort: hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and more. But targeted nutrition can help reduce such discomforts and help smooth this time of transition. Which supplement nutrients work best?

Hot flashes are related to but not caused by a decline in estrogen

How to Stop Hot Flashes Fast?

There’s nothing fun about hot flashes, but can you relieve them? Here are eight ways you can help relieve the sweltering heat dissipating throughout your body.

Does Menopause Make It Hard to Sleep?

Are hot flashes and night sweats robbing you of a good night’s sleep? You’re not the only one. Menopause can exacerbate sleep problems. Here’s the lowdown on menopause and sleep. Plus, 10 ways to (finally) get the rest you need!

Women experiencing mood swing symptoms during Menopause

Does Menopause Cause Mood Swings? 12 Wellness Hacks

Feel like you’ve got mood swings that never really go away? Your mood swings may be due to menopause. Here’s how to tell, plus 12 hacks to help you get a handle on your hormones.

What Is Estrogen Dominance? Women’s Guide

Has a Google search got you thinking you have “estrogen dominance”? Discover the truth behind this buzz word. Plus, wellness tips on how to keep excess estrogen in check at every stage of your life.

Smiling middle-aged woman breaking a nut-filled chocolate bar

Exploring the Changes of Menopause

Here's how menopause transforms bodies, minds and relationships, according to a survey of 1,000 women going through this life-altering transition.

Is Soy Bad for Women? Separating Facts From Fiction

Soy is a "plant estrogen," similar in structure to human estrogen. So how does that impact women's health? The answer is surprisingly complicated—and myths, unfortunately, abound.

Group of older women with healthy testosterone levels swimming

Testosterone in Women: All You Need to Know

Do women have testosterone? Yes! Testosterone is an androgen sex hormone that helps maintain several biological processes. Here’s everything you need to know about testosterone in women.

Top 10 Menopause Supplements

Menopause is not optional, but you might be able to escape the worst discomforts, including hot flashes and mood swings, with the help of these supplements.