Supplements can help give your brain a boost

Top Brain Health Supplements 2025

By: Sarah A. Walker, Ph.D., LMFT

Scientifically Reviewed By: Michael A. Smith, MD

Brain supplements are more popular than ever in recent years, and it's no wonder why. Many things affect our memory, attention, and mental responses, and distractions can take a big toll on cognitive function. And the times we are living in are nothing if not distracting!

Whether you want to stay on top of your game at work, slay today's Wordle, or avoid those dreaded "senior moments" (lost car keys, having your neighbor's name on the tip of your tongue), brain supplements can help.

Of course, there is no magic capsule that can solve all of your cognitive demands. (Wouldn't that be so nice?) But you can use nutritional supplements to get a mental boost in areas where you need it most.

So which ones are worth taking? And is there anything new you should add to your arsenal? Let's take a deep dive into the world of cognitive support supplements!

What are brain health supplements?

As the name suggests, a brain health supplement is any nutritional formula that has demonstrated benefits for your noggin. This includes specialty supplements such as nootropics, which are designed to help you think more quickly, as well as comprehensive brain health formulas that address pretty much every aspect of cognitive function, including memory, mood, focus and more.

And making things more complicated, you also get plenty of memory support from nutrients you may already be taking for whole-body health, like vitamin D. (It might be more famous for its role in heart, bone and immune health, but it is no slouch in the cognitive support arena, either!)

7 best brain health supplements

Here are our top recommendations for specialty formulas that support brain health, based on the type of cognition they target.

1. Best for a brain boost: Nootropics

Nootropics get their name from the Greek words nous (which means "mind") and tropein (which means "to turn"). They are a popular brain health supplement category, but to get technical, any ingredient that helps improve your brain functioning is, by definition, a nootropic. That includes that extra pot of coffee you guzzled while studying for an exam or finishing a project for work!

But caffeine isn't always a good option, for a variety of reasons, even if you have no trouble sleeping after a double espresso. In fact, a great caffeine-free nootropic comes from a special extract of wild green oats. Studies show this extract encourages performance in standardized cognitive testing and supports mental processing time and speed.

2. Best for working memory: Magnesium L-threonate

Magnesium plays an important role in the nervous system and brain, and this special form of magnesium has been well-studied for cognitive health. Magnesium L-threonate promotes working (short-term) memory, encourages quick thinking and supports overall cognitive health.

3. Best for memory among the elderly: Lithium

In low doses, lithium has a longstanding reputation for its support of memory health, especially in aging individuals. A clinical trial of elderly individuals over a 15-month follow-up found that those who took this mineral maintained their memory, while the placebo group had a dip in cognitive assessment scores. You can take lithium alone or combined with a milk peptide to help protect your memory as you grow older.

4. Best for focus: Peppermint

Get ready to give your brain a "pep" talk: peppermint, that is! Standardized peppermint oil and mango leaf extract have been studied for their benefits for focus and attention, as well as mental stamina and working memory, in healthy adults.

Honorable mention: Another mint, spearmint, has been clinically studied for supporting focus. When combined with ashwagandha, known for its calming effects, it can help you find your zen and sharpen your focus!

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5. Best for mood and mind: DHA

Fish oil may be famous for its support of heart health, but the benefits of DHA omega-3 fatty acid go beyond your ticker. DHA makes up about 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in your brain, and it plays a crucial role in supporting cognitive function. DHA also supports a healthy mood and eye health. But your dietary preferences might mean your intake is low. If you don't eat fish, a DHA supplement can help you stay sharp.

6. Best for your brain cell health: Phosphatidylserine

We might not think much about our brain cells, but we wouldn't be thinking at all without them! Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an essential component of healthy nerve cell membranes and is especially important in brain cells. Studies show PS supports cognitive performance, memory, focus, attention and concentration.

7. Best for your neurotransmitter health: Choline

While we're getting granular and talking about brain cells, let's take it even further and discuss neurotransmitters, those chemical messengers that motivate our emotions, actions and thoughts. Dietary intake of choline becomes increasingly important for brain health as we age because of its support of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is essential to healthy cognition, attention, memory function and mood. If you're not chugging the spirulina smoothies on the daily, CDP-choline supplementation has a solid track record.

Everyday vitamins & nutrients that are good for your brain

These specialty formulas notwithstanding, some of the best brain health supplements are run-of-the-mill vitamins you might already be taking for other reasons:

  • Vitamins C and E

    . Brain cells are susceptible to oxidative stress, so make sure to get plenty of the powerful antioxidant vitamin C in your diet. Vitamin E is another powerful free-radical fighter.
  • Vitamin D

    . You probably already take this one for your heart, bones and immune health, but did you know the "sunshine vitamin" is also important for maintaining cognitive health and function as you age? Research links healthy vitamin D levels with better scores on cognitive tests among older participants.
  • Vitamin B12

    . One of the most influential brain vitamins is vitamin B12, which has several forms. The active forms of vitamin B12, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, support healthy brain and nervous system function. Both kinds of vitamin B12 play a role in maintaining a sharp, healthy mind.
  • Healthy fats

    . While they are often associated with your heart and joints, omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can help you maintain healthy brain function.
  • Amino acids

    . L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine both support nervous system health, which can do wonders for your brain.

Our health needs quiz can help you identify which nutrients match your cognitive concerns and deliver a personalized recommendation based on your lifestyle.

How to pick the right brain supplement for you

There is a lot of buzz around the nutrients we've mentioned but remember that your brain and your lifestyle are unique. You may respond differently to the exact same formula compared with a neighbor or even a relative. If you're concerned about keeping your brain in the game or improving memory, discuss your nutrition options with a healthcare provider or wellness adviser. The right brain supplement for you will depend on a number of factors, including intended benefits, how certain nutrients make you feel, and what fits into your budget.

And let's not underestimate how diet, healthy brain habits and regular exercise can impact your thinker! Make smart choices and you'll stay brainy for the long haul.

About the Author: Sarah A. Walker, Ph.D., LMFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist, an artist, a certified hypnotherapist, an EMDR therapist and a registered yoga teacher. As a lifelong learner and a creative, she brings these skill sets to her specialties and expertise. She integrates creative endeavors as part of the whole mind-body innovative approach to mental health and total well-being.



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