Beneficial to health black seed and black seed oil in a bottle

Health Benefits Of Black Seed Oil

What is black seed oil, also called black cumin oil? This oil has enjoyed centuries of popularity across the globe for its health-promoting benefits. In fact, it has more than 3000 years of history backing it up. It is referenced in historical texts and makes an appearance in the Bible.

Even King Tut seems to have been a fan: black cumin seeds were found in his tomb, a strong testament to the importance they placed on these little seeds. But their historical value is only part of the story. Derived from the Nigella sativa plant, these small ancient seeds still pack a punch.

What are the health benefits of black seed oil?

Woman stretching to improve whole-body health

Throughout much of human history, black cumin seeds have seen widespread use as both a flavoring and a health-supporting compound. So, what is black cumin seed oil good for? Quite a lot, it turns out. In either seed or oil form, black cumin has been associated with a wide range of health benefits, both ancient and modern. It has been studied and researched in everything from maintaining already-healthy blood pressure to supporting against seasonal immune challenges to occasional digestive discomfort.

Many of the health benefits of black cumin seed oil are connected to its antioxidant and immune-supporting properties, as well as its ability to help inhibit inflammation to support whole-body health. One active component of black seed oil, thymoquinone, has been shown to support the activity and longevity of immune T-cells, which helps maintain a healthy immune response.

Promoting both a healthy immune and inflammatory response goes a long way toward maintaining your health for the long haul—you may not quite reach the longevity of a well-preserved mummy, but your quality of life will definitely trump theirs. And you'll look better, to boot: the oil also has numerous topical cosmetic benefits. It can be used to hydrate your hair or as part of a moisturizer for your skin, among other uses.

While black seed oil is also known as black cumin, it shouldn’t be confused with the spice cumin, which comes from a completely different family of plants. Black cumin is also different from curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. However, they can be paired together for impressive health support. Curcumin is also known for helping promote a healthy immune and inflammatory response, which makes it a great complement to black cumin seed oil benefits.

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How to incorporate black seed oil in your diet

Salad in a bowl made with black seed oil

Ready to take the plunge and introduce the benefits of a little ancient wisdom into your diet? Unlike some herbs and spices, it can be a little difficult to figure out exactly how to eat black cumin. While the seeds or oil can be sprinkled on a variety of foods, the distinct, strong flavor can be difficult to accommodate. Mixing the oil with lemon juice or honey as a salad dressing is an excellent option, and the seeds make an interesting alternative to conventional ground black pepper.

But the easiest way to introduce black seed oil into your diet is as a stand-alone nutrient. A daily dosage of 500 to 1000 mg of black cumin is a great way to begin reaping the benefits. As always, talk with your healthcare provider before beginning any new dietary regimen to ensure there are no potential interactions. Tell them King Tut sent you.

About the Author: Philip Vogt graduated from Western Maryland College with a degree in English and journalism. He has more than 15 years of experience in pharmaceutical regulatory review before joining Life Extension as a proofreader.


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